You are about to begin the practice that has absolutely changed my life for the better. KWAK is a prime example of dreams and thoughts manifested through a book called “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne, author of “The Secret”. Lets get your dreams manifested just as beautifully, alongside the BOOST of collective energy. I love you and want your experience to be just as fulfilling. All I ask for IS your faithful commitment – every Monday.

The original protocol calls for practices to be done everyday for 28 days. I say, let’s write our appreciations together, daily, and once a week I will give you a wonderful new assignment to keep that collective energy boost, and momentum, on high.

So, without further ado…. DAY ONE!

Begin with writing a daily list of appreciations. I personally attempt to do this as often as possible, even when I’m not reading the book. It can be about the air you breathe, your job, your loved ones, the flower you saw this morning that changed the energy of your day, etc. ‘THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR EVERY DOLLAR IN MY ACCOUNT…’

“The Magic” suggests you do ten daily, as do I, BUT I understand this may not come as easy for some than others. So, do five. FIVE THINGS you are grateful for. Praise the Universe, God, Allah, Mother Nature, Buddha, or who/what ever you’d prefer.

Here are some formatting ideas for writing your list:

“I am truly blessed to have… (in the blank space, please  explain what). – … and then  explain why do you feel that way? “
“I am so happy and grateful for….( in the blank space, please  explain what). – and then explain  … why  do you feel that way? “
I am truly grateful for (in the blank space, please  explain what), –
and then explain … why do you feel that way? .
With all my heart, thank you for – in the blank space, please  explain what
 and then explain… why? .” ( I always keep this last format as my ‘SPECIAL ONE.’ It really expresses and solidifies that quintessential level of appreciation for me).

After you’re done, go back and read each one, repeating the POWER PHRASE ‘Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.’ There is something remarkable about the number 3. I grew up Roman Catholic (although I no longer practice), so I immediately relate it to the Holy Trinity. You can relate it to Lord of the Rings trilogy for all I care, whatever makes your heart sparkle!

And that’s it! Please keep account of how your feelings, energy, situations shift… EVEN SLIGHTLY after the first couple of days. YOU HAVE MY SOLEMN WORD you will feel a difference.  It will be a positive switch that will be almost frighteningly obvious after a bit.

You are amazing and I want to see you experience the best of yourself. WE ARE ALL A WORK IN PROGRESS. I am growing with you. I can positively say I am CLOSER (far from complete) to the kind soul I’ve always wanted to be because of “The Magic.” I’ve accepted and developed my connection with human nature as well as all living beings (Definitely not a coincidence that I’m in my early 30’s, no kids, yet own hamsters LOL). “Magically,” I’ve developed a creative platform for women to influence empowerment within each other as well as be influenced by it. I forgive more often these days. I love harder. I give my most to help. Naive to some? Maybe.. and that’s Okay. My power of bliss extends through the strength of welcoming the rising consciousness of my being. LOVE


Please share with us your appreciations on our Facebook page, on Instagram, or Twitter, using the hashtag #kwakmagic. I would love to see what you are grateful for, and what shows up for you as a result of taking time daily to show your appreciation and gratitude for your blessings.


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