Q&A Wednesday: What is society’s fascination with reality TV?

This week on Q&A Wednesday, we asked Tara Thomas of Tara Thomas Agency: 

Why do you feel society is so fascinated by reality television?

Tara Thomas flyer“I  think viewers are fascinated because they can either relate to someone on reality television or sometimes people are just intrigued by other people’s issues or business. People sometimes try to live vicariously through TV shows. I know it sounds crazy, but it is true. Most people have that 1 crazy friend or family member  that is a die hard fan and that by itself pulls other people in. Then you  have all different  shows and all nationalities love to see how other ethnic groups/ nationalities Live and this by itself gives life to reality TV.”


 “The Entertainment Industry’s Most Powerful Networking Dynamo” 

Where can we learn more about you on the internet?
Web: www.tarathomasagency.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Taytay36
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TaraThomasAgency

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