Q&A Wednesday: How do I know when a relationship isn’t right for me?

Well, folks… summer’s over and cuffing season is almost upon us. The ladies over at KwaK are no strangers to the ups and downs of new relationships, and sometimes it’s hard to tell whether to stick it out or move on to the next. We asked coach and licensed therapist, Megan Hale, to help us out with this one.


Megan HaleHow do I know when a relationship isn’t right for me?

“Relationships are never black and white.  They’re complex and dynamic, which is why it can be so hard to pull the plug when someone you’re with has a lot of great characteristics.  The one thing I tell my clients all the time is “Just because they aren’t a bad person doesn’t mean they’re right person”.  Here are 3 things you’ll want to look for:

1. Does your partner put you as a priority?  They should be aware of your needs and behave in a way that communicates they are trying to meet them.  That doesn’t mean they do things perfectly just the way you would.  It means they are putting forth effort in their own way.

2. Does your partner appreciate your quirks?  You should be able to be yourself around them without fear of judgment.  That includes goofy dancing, silly faces, and ever sharing your deepest fears.  If you can’t be yourself with the one you hold the closest, feeling free and content will be difficult.

3. Does your partner celebrate you? Your partner should be proud of being with you, which is evident by how they treat you in public and private.  They listen when you talk, spend time with you because they want to, and make you feel important. They should notice your accomplishments and be your number one supporter.”


Megan Hale is a licensed therapist and life coach for women.  She specializes in helping women know their worth and creating a life that is empowering and joyful.  She currently has a private practice in Wichita Falls, TX and offers monthly women’s workshops that she makes available worldwide through live streaming.  To join in, you can register here or join her private facebook group, The Honored Self for Women


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