Q&A Wednesday: What should new women business owners do to be successful online?

Welcome to Q&A Wednesday on KwaK!

This week’s Q&A is about taking your business to that next level, where everyone wants to be… THE INTERNET!  We asked entrepreneur Renee Shupe of Redhead Business Solutions:

What should women who are new business owners do in order to successfully get their businesses online?

“This is a big question that won’t easily be answered in just a few sentences, but for anyone wanting to start a new business online there’s three things that every new business owner should work and do.  First create a main hub for your business, this is your website where you direct everything and traffic to, this includes your social media links, conversations and sign-ups for your email list.  Lastly, start creating multiple streams of income and figure out how to sell your products and services online.  Building a foundation with your website, building engagement with your community (through your email list) and selling online are the fundamental basics that ALL entrepreneurs working online NEED to build their success.”


Renee made the transition from working for large consumer brands such as Mission Hill Winery, Teligence Communications & Mike’s Hard Lemonade to being the Chief Redhead and founder of Redhead Business Solutions in 2008. Renee quickly discovered that her gift was to help other small business owners blend technology  with marketing to make it their secret weapon in running their businesses and  in turn see an increase in profits. Renee has helped thousands of small business owners through her training programs and done for your services and in turn those same business owners have found more time, focus and freedom in their business and lives.

You can learn about Renee at www.RedheadBusinessSolutions.com

Follow her on Twitter @ReneeShupe and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/RedheadBusinessSolutions

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