Manifesting Mondays: Magical MOOLA!

‘Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty’ -Doris Day

Complaining about money doesn’t make MONEY!! That’s something I learned this year and it couldn’t be truer. I KNOW way too well that those times when I’m whining about bills or how low my account amount may be, it all tends to snowball and I seem to just receive less and less. As soon as I accept my current situation and become grateful for what I DO have, this immediately changes. My gratitude list ALONE helps switch the way my bills feel when I open my mailbox and the way my pockets feel when I look at my bank statement. Perspective, my friends. I eat, I pay what I can, I own a metro card, I own soap, shampoo, a bed, socks, and a coat .. and for these things ALONE I am grateful.

It’s amazing how within a week or two I can experience a switch in my monetary intake. Jobs or little side gigs/hustles miraculously begin to come a knockin’. One way or another my bank account or lifestyle begins to expand and build.
Make your own mental list. Take a moment and think about every minute to large thing you have had the blessing of purchasing. From your groceries (even if all you have is ramen in the cupboard), your phone, your shoes, and even the fact that you were able to pay your Con Edison bill last month are all worthy examples.
Next part of this weeks assignment is to take a dollar bill and write: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE MONEY I’VE BEEN GIVEN THROUGH OUT MY LIFE. 
Carry around this dollar bill in your wallet, purse, or book bag through out your daily activities. At least 3 times through out the day reflect on your earlier list, as well as every single dollar in your account. Read the phrase on your Magic bill and sincerely feel the deepest level of gratitude possible for each and every one of those things.
After today, place the bill in a spot where a few times a day it will remind you that you are grateful for everything you have ever acquired, not just the ‘extras’ in life. I would suggest keeping it in your wallet, hung up in your room, or even better on your magical vision board!
Keep in mind, from this moment on how speaking negatively and complaining about money will affect your future shekels. Think twice before you bitch about that Sallie Mae bill. I’ve personally made it a habit, as often I can remember, to recite the magic trilogy ‘thank you, thank you,
thank you’ every time I’m at the ATM about to deposit my check, or pulling money out. I stand there for a couple of seconds and feel complete gratitude for every dollar I am about to gain or because I have the option to withdrawal.
Hope you are keeping up with your daily appreciation list!
Til next week. Thank you, thank you, thank you. * bows*

Sound off!