On the face of it this probably seems like a really silly post, but lets be real… there are things that we have internalized that are misogynistic that we never ever question as such.
Case in point: calling someone a pussy.
For most men and boys, this is the ultimate insult.
Walk with me people, cuz this has been on my mind for a minute…
A couple a months ago I caught myself calling a particularly whining ass male a pussy. He exhibited weak behavior, he was whiney, he seemed… well, feminine. The fact that this was my line of thinking is what made me stop and ask myself, “Well what the hell is so terrible about feminine?”
Hence the nuanced misogyny that even I, a self-proclaimed womanist, has internalized. The more I thought about this, the more ludicrous it seemed.
Pussies are great, lets be real. I am not just saying that because I have one (well, maybe I am). The reality is that they facilitate birth, they give life, they are the very embodiment of strength, and some of them are even a great addition to one’s diet… 😉
The reason that being a “pussy” is insulting is because it is associated with being feminine, and being feminine somehow inherently is associated with weakness. I could explore this even more but this is an article, not my graduate thesis, so I will just allow ya’ll to marinate on it for a minute.
And I know a few of you will say calling someone the male genitalia is insulting, too and yes, yes it is. But, calling someone a dick has a completely different connotation and it doesn’t speak to weakness or one’s inability, that’s my ultimate point. It isn’t merely an insult about someone who is incapable or weak, but it associates those characteristics with all things feminine…womanly.
This may seem trivial but it’s time for us to start thinking about the subtle way we condition our children, ourselves to think about women, and what it means to be feminine…or not.
Mama Tanya