Most days, I wake up tired, lazy, and overwhelmed. So much to do, so many cogs in the wheels that make up my life… I can’t count the number of days that I wake up wanting to just cover my head and fall back asleep. So many times I wished, “My life should be different than what it is. If only….”
This morning, however, I awoke being keenly aware of the fact that the life I have is the life that ‘I’ built and created for myself. And it’s pretty awesome. I have amazing children who contribute to my life in so many different ways. I have a life partner who, in spite of the transition we’re working through in our relationship, is someone who I know that I can count on for the rest of my life. I have friends and family who support me each and every day, and I have a brilliant mind, a creative soul, and dreams and visions for who I am creating myself to be, and how I want to make a difference in the world for whatever time I have left.
I am filled with genuine, humbling, and beautiful thankfulness. It fills my heart and spills over through my body and touches every single person who I encounter today. And it is the greatest act of self-care there is.
On this day, whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, I encourage you to take a moment to create a new tradition with your family. Do something special today that you can do often with the people who are important in your life. Write a poem, paint a picture, create a piece of art that will hang in your home. Volunteer, help someone in need, contribute to another living soul today in some way. Write a list of 50 people you are grateful for, and write ONE thing about each of them that adds value to your life. Encourage your loved ones to do the same. Share a few with one another.
If there is a person in your life that you are estranged from, call them or write them a note. Consider what life would be like for you if they were no longer with you, and discover how much they really mean to you. If something were to happen to them, would you still hold a grudge, be resentful, withhold your love in an attempt to be right?
As for me, today will be the day that I say YES to my children. And I’m already thinking of what traditions I’ll create with them next year.
Happy Thanksgiving to the people of the world. I feel blessed to have you in my life!
What will you create, forgive, and give thanks for today? I’d love to hear about it, so share in the comments below!
P.S. If you want to practice thankfulness and gratitude in your life daily, you should check out Manifesting Mondays with Karla: Week One ~ Magic Rock, Week Two ~ Magical Relationships, Week Three ~ Magical Health!