Our lives are filled with daily challenges – bills, jobs, responsibilities, and the stresses of adulthood. For those of us who are lucky enough to add the title of Mother to our list of accomplishments, it can be so easy to focus on the “have to’s” that we forget that there are little people who need what only we can give them.
Here are three things you can do each day to make sure that your mini-me’s know how much you love them:
1. Don’t be a ‘GHOST’ – one of my all-time favorite films is “Ghost” starring Patrick Swayze as a hunky stock broker who was madly in love with his wife, but never thought it was important to say it. We all know how that ended. No matter how many different ways you SHOW your kids how much you love them (trips, toys, privileges, etc.) nothing feels better than hearing the words, “I love you.” Make sure your loved ones hear it from you EVERY DAY.
2. You down with NNT? Yeah you know me! – We all know how important it is for moms to take time for self-care, but setting aside some time every day to spend with each of your kids is also an excellent way to reconnect, and even unwind after a stressful day. Make sure to schedule some NNT (non-negotiable time) with them each day, even if it’s fifteen minutes, so that they can share they own little victories: the perfect circle they drew in art class, the A++ on their Chemistry exam, or just a few minutes of cuddle time. Nothing warms the heart more than getting juicy hugs and kisses after a tough day in the rat race.
3. Don’t go to sleep angry. – Especially when tensions are high, our relationships with our children can become strained… the screaming toddler, the obnoxious tween, the rebellious teenager; they can all take that one last nerve and pluck it to death! As difficult as it may seem in the heat of the moment, these little ones are your greatest gift, and if something were to ever happen to you or them, no one (including you) will care that they left the cap off of the toothpaste, or that they forgot to do the dishes, AGAIN. Make sure that before they turn down for the night, you make peace, and remember how much you love each other. Take 5 minutes each night to praise your child for something that they did well during the day. It will help them, and you, sleep better during the night.
What wonderful things do you like to do to stay connected to your loved ones? I would love to know so reply in the comments below.
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